Blackberry Torch-9800.New Version-Rocking

Blackberry Torch-9800.New Version:

Blackberry Torch-9800.New Version:

Touch and Type designed Black berry going to release in August 12 th for only 199$.
Blackberry developed two new platforms for this 9800 Blackberry. Those are two new developements.

One is Typical Ergonomy Slide out full Qwerty keyboards to the sides of the touch screen
Second is Blackberry OS-6 which is suits for the Android and i phones user experience.

Black berry Features: SEE THE VIDEO

Blackberry torch browser is completely Rewamped and with zooming and pinching , that let us swap between moe webpages and what ever u want.

20 Lakhs worth Mobile phone,Luxury phone entered indian market

Latest News ChelSia-Clinton Wedding at Fly Zone

The Ex-president of America Bil clinton's daughter chelsea maried his boy friend married in NewYork at Fly Zone.
she looking godgeusin the photos and the wedding was very very excellent .

The wedding has done with crowds of people to attend this wedding many people came there.
The Newyork City Roads are very busy because of Chelsea Wedding.

Latest News ChelSia-Clinton Wedding at Fly Zone

As we all know The Ex president of America Mr.Bill Clinton daughter his secretary of state Hillary Clinton both of them tied up for a long relationship with beau Marc Mezvinsky at a Big Ceremony o.

Their wedding had in Astor Courts this was called as "No-Fly" zone.

Many people trying to reach to that place with that people groups all roads blocked with traffic.

Bride groom worn the white beautiful Gown which is designed by Mother of the Bride wore "Vera Wang".

This Wedding speciality is that They followed both of them's Traditions in Wedding. All are seen the Emotions and Love of Chelsea And MARC which has done at Great wedding of them in Astor Courts.

Clinton Said that he was very happy to Invite Marc to His family and this is MAking them very happy to celebrate their new life together (Chelsea and MArc).
Most of the friends walked there are friends of Chelsea and Marc. And that place is very crowdy now.